Corporate sponsorship of Blågula Bilen!

Sponsor a lorry with cargo:
For 500,000 SEK, we will purchase a lorry that will become your sponsored lorry. The sum covers the purchase of the lory, administration and transport costs as well as the purchase of appropriate equipment for recipients in Ukraine. The recipients in Ukraine will determine the exact equipment in dialogue with you. If you wish to be visible on the truck with your logo, you can provide stickers suitable for the lorry.
As a sponsor of the lorry, you will appear on the Sponsor page of the Blågula Bilen website and in the website’s footer as the primary sponsor. You will also receive exposure on Blågula Bilen’s social media (Twitter / Facebook / Instagram) with a picture of the lorry (with your logo) and some of your sponsored equipment. In collaboration with you, we will develop relevant text and image(s) for social media exposure. You will be @tagged in all of the exposure. As a sponsor of a lorry with cargo, you will receive (within four weeks after delivery of the lorry to Ukraine) photos of your lorry in a relevant context in Ukraine for your use. You will get the rights to use the lorry images in all reasonable contexts, including advertising for your company.
Contact us at for questions/details.
Sponsor a van or 4×4:
For 100,000 SEK, we will purchase a van or 4×4, which will become your own sponsored vehicle. The sum covers the purchase of the vehicle and transport costs to Ukraine. Please provide stickers suitable for the vehicle if you want to be visible on the truck with your logo.
As a vehicle sponsor, you will appear on the Blågual Bilen website on the Sponsors page. You will also get exposure in Blågual Bilen’s social media (Twitter / Facebook / Instagram) with a picture of the vehicle with your logo. You will, of course, be @tagged in the exposure. In collaboration with you, we will develop appropriate text and image(s) for social media exposure.
Contact us at with and questions.
Sponsor financially:
For an amount of at least 20.000 SEK, you may become a sponsor of a lorry and/or equipment to Ukraine. Blågula Bilen will use the sum for the purpose that is most urgent at the moment.
You will receive a proof of donation certificate and a framed certificate to display at home or in your company.
Contact us at for questions/details.
Other sponsors:
YrkesAkademin in Norrköping helps us fix our vehicles so that they are in good condition when delivered to Ukraine.
YrkesAkademin’s repairs are supported through donations from the following companies, who sponsor the parts needed to get the vehicles into good condition:
– BDS Åby Biltillbehör AB, Åby
– STS Norrköping – Sydhamnens Trailer Service
– Batterigubben AB, Norrköping
– Tage Rejmes Lastvagnar AB, Norrköping
– Bilia LB:s Lastbilar AB , Norrköping
Without the generous donations of these companies, we would not have been able to repair vehicles for Ukraine.
Castellum sponsors the Blågula Bilen with storage space for our activities. Castellum’s building in Linköping is the central warehouse for Blågula Bilen.
Other sponsors of Blågula Bilen do not want to be seen publicly but help in the background. If you want to sponsor but not be visible on the website or social media, this is perfectly ok.